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Godzilla vs. Kong will be released in 2021 as a sequel to King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

Godzilla vs. Kong has finally been released after being postponed from May 29, 2020 to March 13, 2020, November 20, 2020, and ultimately May 21, 2021. On March 31, 2021, it will be released in the United States. The film was also accessible on HBO Max until April 30, 2021.

They made the movie, which is called "Adam Wingard." It was written by Eric Pearson and Max Borenstein from a story by Terry Rossio, Michael Dougherty, and Zach Shields. They also wrote King of the Monsters. Five years after King of the Monsters, Godzilla vs. Kong sees Godzilla and Kong fight to the death in the wake of Ghidorah's rampage.

With the destiny of the planet at stake, "Godzilla vs. Kong" brings together two legendary enemies. A treacherous trip leads Kong and his guards to Jia, a little orphaned girl with whom Kong has built an unbreakable connection of love and loyalty. In the path of an infuriated Godzilla, they find themselves. It is simply the start of the enigma that lurks deep below the Earth's core.

In 2024, Godzilla and Kong are the only active Titans on Earth, five years after Godzilla slew his alien foe Ghidorah. A storm created by Ghidorah combined with the storm cell that surrounds Skull Island has caused its climate to become unstable, leading Monarch to confine Kong within a dome-shaped facility with an orphaned young Iwi girl called Jia who is deaf and can communicate with Kong through sign language.

After the assault, popular opinion has changed against Godzilla, who is no longer seen as a hero. Even though she's an adult now, Bernie's podcast listener Madison Russell worries about the recent assault on her school by Godzilla. Later, she attempts to reason with her widower father Mark (who is serving as Monarch's director) about a potential clue on the origin of Godzilla's rampage but she is dismissed by his sole reply: "creatures, like people, can change.". With Josh Valentine at her side, Madison is on a mission to find the person responsible for Godzilla's rampage and the truth about Apex.

Nathan travels to Skull Island to help them find the energy source. He meets his colleague, Ilene Andrews, who is Jia's adoptive mother and a Monarch anthropological linguist. Nathan wants to use Kong as a navigator because Skull Island can no longer hold him and let him live. She says that Godzilla would come for Kong as soon as he was moved off Skull Island, but Ilene at first doesn't want to go. Nathan convinces her that they need to do this mission to stop Godzilla's rampage and that they can also find Kong a new home.

In a modified barge, Nathan, Ilene, Jia, and an Apex crew lead by Walter's daughter Maia board to prevent a mildly drugged Kong from escaping. Kong is locked up to keep him from escaping. Kong gets restless and upset one rainy night, and he begins to tug on the shackles that keep him restrained. Jia calms him down by allowing her and Kong to hold fingers in solidarity as Kong signs the word "home" much to Ilene's surprise. Later, Ilene tells Nathan how she raised Jia as her adopted daughter when violent and unpredictable storms killed most of the Iwi and their parents, but Jia herself was the sole survivor since Kong protected her, resulting in the two of them developing a strong affinity with one another.

At this juncture, Jia detects Godzilla's arrival via the ship's vibrations as the Titan comes and battles the soldiers before capitulating and almost drowning Kong and the others on board. Fortunately, Nathan frees Kong by releasing his shackles, enabling him to fight Godzilla beneath long enough to swim to the surface and tip the barge back on its head, sparing the party from drowning. Kong rushes onto a nearby aircraft carrier in order to confront Godzilla, who gets onboard in order to confront Kong. The two Titans trade vicious punches until Godzilla is distracted sufficiently by fighter aircraft for Kong to shove him back into the water. Godzilla unleashes his atomic breath from under the carrier, but Kong leaps off to avoid the impact, only for Godzilla to wrap his tail around Kong and pull him deep into the water, aiming to drown the Titan.

Godzilla, on the other hand, gets confused by depth charges, allowing Kong to emerge for a breath of fresh air.

Nathan, seeing no other choice, suggests that the gang should instead turn off the power to all the ships in order to fool Godzilla into believing he destroyed them and Kong was vanquished, a plan that finally works. Godzilla surveys the wrecked fleet with interest and then swims away, assuming he has won. Recognizing that Godzilla may reappear if the ships are reactivated, the party alters their plans and instead fly Kong to a Hollow Earth entrance point in Antarctica, the location of Ghidorah's initial freezing. Jia explains to Kong that his house is through the entryway, but he is unwilling to enter.

It's a good thing Godzilla can't fly. In their HEAV, Maia and her crew try to depart but Kong grabs it on their way out and smashes it in his palm, killing Maia and her staff within.

As though inspired by Kong's fortitude and skill, Godzilla shows pity and spares his adversary's life before fleeing, leaving Kong alive but severely hurt, ultimately losing consciousness due to commotio cordis.

Back at the Apex headquarters, Walter enthusiastically instructs Ren to dispatch Mechagodzilla to slay Godzilla. Despite Ren's warnings not to use the new Hollow Earth energy source without first testing it, Walter dismisses his concerns and orders the mecha to be activated. At the same time, security apprehends Bernie, Madison, and Josh for breaking into Apex headquarters and transports them to Walter. Madison accuses Walter of inciting Godzilla to war and for all of this to happen in the first place, however he boldly argues that he took responsibility for allowing humans to fight back against Godzilla and the Titans.

Because of the combined impact of the energy source and the Ghidorah's brain networks, Mechagodzilla suddenly goes berserk, slaying Walter with a sweep of its hand and electrocuting Ren, all while Walter is blinded in the process. Ghidorah's consciousness takes possession of Mechagodzilla, which escapes from the Apex facility under Victoria Peak Mountain in order to evade Godzilla. A rocket barrage is launched by Mechagodzilla at Godzilla before the two engage in combat.

Madison seeks aid from Mark, as Josh and Bernie try to use remote control to stop the renegade robot. Godzilla and Mechagodzilla battle, with Godzilla getting the upper hand and burning him. While Mechagodzilla continues to batter Godzilla, the three approach an unconscious Kong, where Jia notes that his pulse is weakening as they approach him. Because the HEAVs are incapable of producing a large enough charge to restart Kong's heart, Nathan recalls Maia's earlier comment about the HEAVs producing enough energy to power Las Vegas for a week, and he flies the final HEAV onto Kong's chest and sets it to self-destruct, detonating the craft and unleashing a massive electrical charge that instantly revives Kong.

After waking up, Kong sees the fight between Godzilla and Mechagodzilla before encountering Jia, who attempts to persuade Kong that Godzilla isn't truly his foe. Though Kong does not believe her at first as he continues to witness Godzilla being annihilated by Mechagodzilla, Jia eventually discloses the truth to him, revealing that the robot, not Godzilla, is the "real" adversary. Kong agrees and sets aside his resentment after a brief moment of reflection before marching into combat to assist Godzilla and repair his dislocated limb.

After seeing Kong holding his axe, Godzilla charges it by blasting it with his atomic breath. This allows Kong to dismantle Mechagodzilla from head to toe and then sit down to relax after raising his trophy and letting out a great shout of victory.

While Nathan and Ilene sit together amid the rubble, Jia reunites with Mark, who she meets for the first time and introduces him to Josh and Bernie. Mark is happy to see Josh and Bernie, and Bernie invites him onto his podcast to speak about the Monarch facility in Roswell. Godzilla approaches Kong, leading the Titan to take his axe and ready to continue the battle, interrupting their peaceful moment. Godzilla, on the other hand, does not attack and instead just stares Kong down. Kong, seeing that their actual adversary has been slain, lowers his axe, thereby putting an end to the conflict between his people and Godzilla's people. Now that they are no longer competitors, Godzilla and Kong see each other as equals before Godzilla returns to the sea quietly, with Kong and the whole human population looking on in wonder.

Since 1962's King Kong vs. Godzilla, Godzilla and King Kong have not appeared in a film together.

Kyle Chandler has appeared in two King Kong films, the first being Peter Jackson's 2005 version.

You may recognize this technique from the Lethal Weapon series when Kong throws his dislocated right shoulder onto the side of a building.

Mechagodzilla's base is similar to the Central Dogma, being subterranean and topped by a pyramid.

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